Questions and answers
Here we try and answer your burning questions.
I am interested in the programme but I am not a journalist. Can I apply? No. The programme is pitched at mid-career journalists, keen on data journalism, to equip them with tools to produce stories using data and statistics. Non-journalists may not apply.
I am an African journalist but I now live outside the continent. Can I apply? No. The programme is open to journalists based in Africa, and working for African media outlets.
How much does the course cost? The programme is fully funded. Therefore, training – including virtual online sessions and a weeklong bootcamp in Johannesburg – will be covered for each successful applicant. The academy will cover each participant’s travel, accommodation, and meals in Johannesburg.
Do I need an internet connection and a computer or laptop? A reliable internet connection is required. Most of the sessions will be delivered virtually. Participants will be expected to log on at least a few times a week.
The academy programme will use applications like Excel and Google Sheets that function better on a laptop or computer.
When is the bootcamp scheduled for? The bootcamp will take place in July. Successful applicants will be provided with more information.
What will happen once I have submitted my application? First, the deadline for applications is 17 April 2024. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted around 20 April 2024. The programme will then run from June until October.
I live in Morocco, a country where English is not our official language. Am I eligible? A high school pass in English is a requirement regardless of your country’s official/national language. Modules, and all course material, will be delivered in English.
I am 40 years old but keen on data journalism. Can I apply? Yes, the programme has no age restrictions. If you are a mid-career journalist, with at least five years’ experience, and are keen, go for it. Age is not a factor.
Have more questions? Contact us: applications@dataacademy.africa